Friday, April 30, 2010

Tutorial 1 - Extension of 4 x 3 Bedrooms Luxurious Villas in China

1. Project Objective

i) Increase revenue growth
ii) Meet market demand
iii) Build a globally recognised brand
iv) Provide naturally luxurious, ecologically sensitive, culture awareness experiences for the discerning, responsible traveller

2. Scope of Project - Total Area for 4 Villas: 5,537.18m2

i) Estimated Duration: 10 Months

ii) Estimated Cost: USD 900,000 each ,total USD 3.6 million

iii) Responsibility Matrix: Architectural Designer, Interior Designer, Structural Consultant, M&E Consultant, Quantity Surveyor, Landscape, Costing, Purchasing, Finance, Project Team, Legal, Local Representative.

iv) Current Issues: Budget Constraint, Unrealistic Timeline.

v) Manpower Requirement: Architect x 1, Interior Designer x 1, Structural Consultant x 2, M&E Consultant x 2, Quantity Surveyor x 1,Landscape x 1, Costing x 1, Purchasing x 2, Finance x 1, Project Team x 2, Legal x 1, Local Representative x 1, Main Contractor: Project Manager x 1, Supervisors x 3, Workers x 100 (Carpentary, Building, Landscaping), Sub Contractor: Project Manager x 1, Supervisor x 2, Worker x 20 (Electrical)

vi) Resources Requirement:
- Funding: Create public fund thru listing.
- Building Material: Bricks, Timber, Tiles, Steels
- Infrastructure: Technology
- Utilities: Electricity, Water
- Labour
- Equipment: Forklift, Crane etc..

1 comment:

  1. As per group discussion last Friday, maybe we should post more pictures on current site development. I shall call you by tonite for further discussion.

    Meng Hoe
